Dear All,
Just a short note to let you know our plans for the lockdown month of November and the remainder of the season. For the purpose of this exercise we are assuming that things will return to ‘Tier 1 normal’ on Wednesday 2nd December. If the lockdown is extended further, then I guess we’ll lose the rest of the season…
Driven Shooting
We’re obviously going to lose the driven shoots on Saturdays in November, beginning tomorrow. To try to make up for this, we will run two midweek driven days on Wednesdays 2nd and 9th December.
If you have booked one or more pegs on any of the November driven days, please let me know by email whether you wish to book either of these new dates as a replacement.
If you have not booked any November pegs but wish to attend any of the new December shoots, please let me know also. I will give first refusal to guns who booked for November, but I know that many of our guns cannot get away from work midweek.
In the event of oversubscription, I will draw lots to allocate pegs and let individual guns know the outcome. These replacement days will be covered by the same risk-sharing arrangements that I have discussed previously, although of course they will only apply once to guns who book their replacement December driven shoots. After ten days or so, I will list any remaining pegs on
Rough Shooting
Obviously, I’m keen to keep some of the rough shooting going during November, and I’m relieved that the legislation does allow this. Please call me on 07802 609 661 for the detail. However, in a nutshell, we can offer rough shooting on two separate pieces of land to two teams of two guns – or more than two in the event that guns are all from the same household or the same support bubble, and have made a short journey to reach us.
I hope all this is clear, and I look forward to hearing from any of you who are affected by the driven shooting changes – or wish to try rough-shooting during November.
With best wishes,